Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) - UG PHARMACY

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1 : To produce competent pharmacy graduates with adequate knowledge and technical skills in the core and allied areas of pharmaceutical sciences & technology and to serve the needs of the health care system.
PEO2 : To promote research and scholarly activities to identify, assess, formulate problem and execute solutions for the betterment and advancement of pharmaceutical sciences.
PEO3 : To develop communication skills, leadership qualities, team building skills and instill the sense of professional ethics and social responsibilities in graduates.
PEO4 : To prepare the graduates for life-long learning through their effective participation in professional and societal activities, integrate their knowledge and skills with contemporary needs of the society and for their highly productive career.

Program Outcomes (POs) - UG PHARMACY

Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Pharmacy Knowledge : Possess adequate knowledge and comprehension of basic, core areas of pharmaceutical sciences and apply in relevant areas.
2. Planning Abilities : Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
3. Problem analysi : Develop ability for in-depth analytical and critical thinking in order to identift and solve the issues related to pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies, hospital and community pharmacy.
4. Modern tool usage : Learn, select and apply appropriate methods & procedures, resources and modern pharmacy related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
5. Leadership skills : Demonstrate the ability to function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams in multidisciplinary settings.
6. Professional Identity : Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
7. Pharmaceutical Ethics : Apply ethical Principles, Professional ethics and norms in practicing pharmacy profession.
8. Communication : Able to develop written and oral communication skills that contribute effectively with the pharmacy community and with the society.
9. The Pharmacist and society : Develop an understanding for the need of pharmaceutical sciences and role of pharmacist in giving quality life to people in society.
10. Environment and sustaninability : Understand the impact of the pharmaceutical industry in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the Knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
11. Life-long learning : Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life long learning in the broadest context of technologoical changes.