SPSP is an organization committed to disseminate quality pharmacy education which is accomplished by the formation of various college committees as mentioned below.


Governing Body

As previously stated, the Governing Body is the Supreme Body responsible of the Institution's operation. Its responsibilities will include the following:

To establish the following Sub-Committees and to evaluate their recommendations:

  • Finance Committee
  • Committee on Equipment
  • The Construction Committee
  • Selection Committee for Employees
  • Academic Committee


  • To approve the recurring and non-recurring budget forecasts for the financial year in advance.
  • Annually examine and accept the audited statement of account.
  • Estimate the workload and approve the Institute’s staff needs for teaching and non-teaching (technical and administrative) positions.
  • On a constant basis, review and approve ideas for the construction of infrastructure such as buildings, equipment, and libraries.
  • To assess and create measures for meeting the Council’s (AICTE), State Government’s, and Affiliating Body’s general and specific conditions, as well as to track progress toward meeting those conditions.
  • To consider the Principal’s report on the status of admission.
  • To consider the Principal’s report on the students’ academic performance.
  • o keep track of the staff’s working circumstances as set forth by the Affiliating Body/Government.
  • To review the Principal’s recommendations for improving the staff’s academic performance.
  • To consider any other item that contributes to the Institution’s academic climate.
  • To take into account any proposal for expanding educational activities that is submitted to the Council/Government/Affiliating Body.
  • Meetings are held once a year by the Governing Council. 
  • The college has a well-defined administrative structure that complies with AICTE and UGC guidelines.


  • The regulations are clearly laid out. The policies and processes are spelled out in detail. The rules governing the college’s general administration, staff recruiting and service conditions, staff leave policies, and promotion and increment policies are all appropriately framed.
  • These regulations are communicated to all newly hired employees and newly admitted students through orientation programmes. These can also be found on the college’s website.
  • After notifying the vacancies in the top publications, recruitment is done in a transparent way only on the basis of merit.
  • The University of JNTU Ananthapuramu Selection Committee, which consists of subject specialists, a management representative, and the Principal, recruits faculty and staff for regular appointments.
  • In the event of an immediate need, the college Staff Selection Committee, which consists of management members, the Principal, and subject specialists, will fill the position.
  • The college website contains the official rules, regulations, and procedures for faculty and staff recruitment, promotions, leaves, and retirement.


Name of the Faculty Current Position Role
Smt. P. Sulochana Chair Person, Lords Auxiliary for Rural Development Society, Tirupati Chairman
Mr. P. Praneeth Secretary, Lords Auxiliary for Rural Development Society, Tirupati Member
Dr. P. Prasanth Treasurer, Lords Auxiliary for Rural Development Society, Tirupati Member
Dr. D. Vishnuvardhan Assoc. Professor & Head; Dept. of ECE; JNTUA Member (University Nominee)
Dr. V. Dwarakanath Reddy Principal, S.V. Govt. Polytechnic College, Tirupati Member (Nominee of Commissioner of Technical Education AP)
Dr. K. V. S. R. G. Prasad Professor of Pharmacology (Rtd.), Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, SPMVV, Tirupati Member (Educationist)
Mr. Vishweswar Muthyam Director, Anvitha Life Care Pvt. Ltd., Naidupet Member (Industrialist)
Mr. R. Venkidesh General Manager – Quality Assurance; Hibrow Health Care Pvt Ltd; Chengalpat, Tamil Nadu Member (Industrialist)
Dr. V. Raghumurthy Rtd. Principal, Dept. of Pharmacy, Govt. Polytechnic College, Obulavaripalle, Kadapa Member (Educationist)
Dr. A. Sreenivasa Charan Associate Professor & HOD, Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy Member
Dr. D. Ranganayakulu Professor & Principal, Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy Member Secretary

The College Academic Committee is a vital link between the student body and the faculty. The main function of this committee is to act as a medium of communication between the students and the faculty relating to academic activities and in the implementation of university regulations.

The agenda of this committee is to keep the students aware of their academic standing and reducing blind-spots. It takes up the responsibility of imbibing best practices so that future student’s community can have better system in place. It also arranges regular interaction between faculty and students.


  • Arranging teaching requirements for successful completion of academic programs of the college and supervising the same periodically.
  • Prepare and execute the Class time tables for all the courses.
  • Assess the faculty workload for various courses.
  • Monitor the syllabus completion status regularly.
  • Decision making in student progression. Communicating important circulars and notices regarding the academic affairs to the faculty and students.
  • Facilitating Examination in-charge for arranging to conduct examinations, as per the norms and academic calendar of JNTUA.
  • Recommending the Governing Body for providing the necessary infrastructural, human resources and other requirements for progressing towards achievement of the vision of the college.
  • Facilitating supervision of the functioning of computing and IT infrastructure, central library and other learning resources of the college.
  • Facilitating promotion of research culture in the college through collaboration and corroboration among faculty.
  • Recommending the Management for encouraging students with awards, stipends, scholarships, medals and prizes and so on.
  • Appointing committees from amongst the college teaching faculty and experts from outside, in order to sort out and advise on specific academic issues and consequently acting on the recommendations of such committees after due consideration.
  • Planning and executing the overall academic growth of the college by making recommendations to the Governing Body, wherever necessary.
  • Coordinating with all the other committees for the betterment of SPSP.


Name of the Faculty Role
Prof. D. Ranganayakulu Chairman
Prof. K.K. Rajasekhar Member
Dr A Sreenivas Charan Member
Dr K. Ramesh Reddy Member
Dr B Kishore Member

The management and faculty of SPSP believes that the overall development of students and their acceptability by the employer is in turn depends on the quality of teaching and training imparted during their course of study. In order to achieve the desired outcome in student community, SPSP fraternity is striving relentlessly through its IQAC.


Attain global recognition to SPSP.


To involve all stakeholders, faculty, students and parents in quality enrichment and sustainability process.
To implement and improvise teaching and learning activities of highest standard.
To obtain accreditation for all the programmes by various statutory bodies.

Salient Features

The IQAC is extending its activities such as helping the faculty in preparing lesson/teaching plans according to JNTUA academic calendar. Oversee the maintenance of subject/course materials. Encourage the faculty to continue their research activities. Review the process of students’ academic enrichment and research. Encourage the faculty and students to publish their research outcomes and reviews in peer reviewed journals. Review on progress of seminars/assignments/dissertations. Interact with students on pedagogy feedback and also for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Encourage students for effective utilization of the library facilities. Analyze feedback reports of Alumni and other stake holders. Design the innovative instructional policies such as tutorials and e-presentations for effective teaching and learning activity at SPSP. The IQAC is committed to impose mentor-mentee system in order to alleviate inferiority complexes of students and to counsel their concerns. Liaise between students and faculty to promote healthy student-teacher relationship.


Name of the Faculty Role
Prof. D. Ranganayakulu Chairman
Mr. P Praneeth Management
Dr. K K Rajasekhar Co-ordinator
Mr. M Sunil Bashkar Nominee from local Society
Mr.G Visweshwer Nominee from Industry
Mr. S Redeppa Nominee from Hospital
Dr. Y Prasanna Raju UG & PG studies Representative
Dr P. Subramanyam Hospital Training Representative
Dr TS DurgaPrasad Pharm D Representative
Dr. A.Sreenivasa Charan Examination Representative
Dr. P Keerthishika Learning Outcomes Representative
Dr B Kishore Teaching Learning Process Representative
Dr K Ramesh Reddy Training and Placements Representative
Mr.G.Guruva Reddy Member
Mrs. M Himasaila CPCSEA Representative
Miss.H.Neelofar Feedback Committee
Miss.G.Shresta Feedback Committee
Mr. T Sobhan Babu Admin Representative
Mr. P Sridhar Raju Stores and Technician Representative
Mrs. M Munilakshmi Hostel Representative

Powers and Functions of the Institutional Planning and Monitoring Committee (IPMC):

The class committees would strive for the collective involvement of respective class students for better academic environment and adhere to the rules and regulations of the institute.

The IPMC shall be the institute’s vital academic body and shall have the following powers and responsibilities in addition to all other powers and responsibilities vested in it.

  • To constrain general supervision over the institute’s academic activities and to provide directives on instructional techniques, assessment, research, and academic standards development.
  • To take adequate action on subjects of academic importance, either on its own initiative or at the direction of the Governing Body.
  • To organise measures for the conduct of examinations in compliance with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur laws.
  • To ensure that the examinations are conducted to the highest conceivable standards.
  • To promote research within the institute, acquire reports on such research activities from time to time.
  • To propose recommendations for individual class coordination measures.
  • To give submissions to the governing body on the following topics:
  • Measures to improve teaching, training, and research standards.
  • Granting of fellowships, travel fellowships, scholarships, medals, and prizes etc
  • The construction or termination of departments/centres, as well as bylaws governing the institute’s academic operations, fellowships, admissions, examinations, discipline, attendance, concessions, studentships etc.
  • To perform a periodic evaluation of the departments/centres activities and to pursue requisite measure (including presenting proposals to the Governing Body) in order to preserve and strengthen instructional standards.
  • To recommend to the college’s Governing Body for institution of professors, associate professors, and assistant professors teaching positions.


Name of the Faculty Role
Smt. P Sulochana Chairman
Mr. P Praneeth Member
Dr. P Prasanth Member
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Member
Dr. Y Prasanna Raju Member
Dr. K K Rajasekhar Member


The committee aims to provide a congenial and conductive atmosphere in which students, teachers and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of violence, harassment, exploitation, and intimidation. In order to ensure transparency by the institution imparting technical and professional education during admissions and to prevent unfair practices and to provide a mechanism to students/ faculty/ staff for redressal of their grievances.


The GRC established by the institute has set the following objectives

  • To maintain the dignity of the college by ensuring hostility free atmosphere in the College by encouraging cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-Teacher relationship.
  • Suggestion / Complaint Boxes are installed at common areas in which the students put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.
  • Giving support to the students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
  • All the grievances of the students/staff which could not be settled in the routine process should be referred to this committee.
  • Committee tries to settle the issues amicably in a time bound manner.
  • Introduce a reasonable and reliable solution for grievances of various issues received from students/parents.
  • Advising all staff to be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  • Ensures that the grievances are resolved on time impartially and confidentially.
  • To ensure provision of a work and educational environment that is free from sexual harassment.
  • To prevent sexual harassment and to promote the general well‐being of female students/employees of the Institute.
  • To organize gender sensitization awareness programme.


The main stakeholders of any educational Institute are students and we put all possible efforts to maintain and ensure transparency in student activities.

The grievances include both academic (attendance, examination, assessment, syllabus completion, fees, teaching methods etc) and non-academic (teasing, body shaming, harassment, physical assault, class room management etc). Complaints can be made in writing to Principal/Committee/Staff. Complaints, if any, are resolved by discussion in meeting by committee and if required the aggrieved may be involved.


  • The grievances committee shall deal with the grievances of teachers, other employees and the students.
  • The aggrieved person (teacher, other employee or student) in college may lodge his/her grievance with the concerned member of the college, who shall put it before the college grievance committee at the earliest.
  • The grievance committee shall hear and settle grievances, as far as may be practical, within three months after the grievance is lodged with the committee.
  • If the matter requires urgent attention, the in charge shall inform the chairman and the meeting will be held within two days from the receipt of the grievance form.

False Reporting: Intentionally making a false report or providing false information is grounds for indiscipline.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Mrs. M Himasaila In-charge
Dr.K.K.Rajasekhar Member
Mrs. P.Lakshmi Member
Mrs.K.Ramya Yadav Member
P Sreedhar Raju Member
Mr G.Jayasurya Chowdary Admin Officer
Mrs.P.Muni Lakshmi Hostel Warden
Ch.Triveni Student Member
M.Sirisha Student Member
Kammapalli Ganesh Student Member

Program Assessment Committee is formed to monitor the program  activities in lined with  the achievement of  Program Educational Objectives . The PAC consist of faculty members from each department who periodically monitor and evaluate different parameters and strive for efficient program delivery in order to achieve program objectives and outcomes


  • Circulation of Institutes vision and mission statements , Program Educational Objectives(PEOs), Program Outcomes  ,Course Outcomes  to different stakeholders
  • Preparation of Course Outcomes
  • Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes
  • Finalization of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes 
Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Dr. Y Prasanna Raju Vice-Chairman
Dr. A Sreenivasa Charan Coordinator
Dr. K K Rajasekhar Member
Dr. T.S.Durga Prasad Member
Dr. M Venkateswarlu Member
Dr. D.Sai Koteswara Sarma Member
Mr. S Dhanunjaya Member

Duties and Responsibilities

The committee is empowered to take all the necessary steps to conduct the examinations in accordance with the rules and regulations of JNTUA.

The committee is involved in the Finalization of the internal exam schedules

Collection of question paper of concerned exam in strict confidentiality

Allotment of invigilation duties

Consolidation and finalization of internal marks.

Monitor the conduct of university examinations in strict compliance of JNTUA instructions.

Finalization of monthly attendance of students and preparation of list of attendance shortage students.

Submission of final aggregate % of attendance of individual students to the CAC, with the list of students to be detained for shortage of attendance.

Maintenance of all records pertaining to examination section, and storage of documents for three years.

Related to examinations, ALL instructions of the committee are final and should be abided by faculty and students.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr.D.Ranganayakulu Chief Superintendent
Dr.Sreenivasa Charan A Examination-in-charge
Dr. Kishore B Member
Mr.A.Ashok Member


To create world class library by creating state-of-art infrastructure and containing books of eminent writers in different fields of academia with special emphasis on digital techniques and access to the students and other users thereof.

The committee shall promote the use of latest techniques and software by the library staff for smooth functioning and management of library.

By coordinating/ communicating with R&D committee to bring updated journal and research papers.

To organize regular seminars and workshops on emerging trends and technologies with a special focus on innovations in library.

 By creating world class infrastructure.

 By focusing on digitalization of library and promoting digital policies by having access to national digital library portal and delnet.

 To promote access of SCOPUS and SCI indexed journals to all faculty and students.


To create world class library by creating state-of-art infrastructure and containing books of eminent writers in different fields of academia with special emphasis on digital techniques and access to the students and other users thereof.

 To provide material that will stimulate students’ acquisitions of factual knowledge, development of literary appreciation, aesthetics values and ethical standards.

 To provide sources of research-oriented information’s and articles/ journals for academia.

 To select, evaluate and acquire library materials in varied formats to meet and respond to the needs of our diverse community.

 To inform the Faculty members with latest up-dates in their respective subject area.

 To help in promoting the research in various departments of the Institute.

 It provides healthy entertainment material to its users.

 To ensure smooth functioning and effective management of central library with coordinating with the various departments of the Institute.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Mrs. Madhavi M Librarian & In-charge
Dr. P. Subramanyam Member
Dr. T.S. Durga Prasad Member
Mr. P. Prakash Member
Ms. T. Bhagyamma Member
H. Neelofar Member
Mrs. A. Joshna Member
Mr. M. Guruva Reddy Member

Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most important requirements for the upliftment and progress of our nation. The Women Development Cell (WDC) was constituted in July 3rd 2017. The committee has both the faculty and students of the College as its members and works with an aim to create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society.  The committee organizes various empowerment technical, medical, cultural and social events for the development of women and spread the real importance of gender equality in the society through College students.

 Preamble   To Promote general wellbeing of female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff on the colleges.


  • To promote general harmony and prevent discrimination of women and sexual harassment in the institute by providing practical suggestions to the administration from time to time.
  • To deal with any instance of discrimination of women or sexual harassment by an employer or students in respect of any other employee or students of Sri Padmavathi school of pharmacy.
  • To build a society with social and economic gender equality as mentioned in the Indian Constitution through social service.
  • To reach out to women in the rural areas and make them aware of their social and legal rights and to equip them to stand against gender violence and gender discrimination.
  • To create awareness, improve values and develop the personality and leadership quality.
  • To help students to change their mind set and attitude towards life in terms of women.


  • To ensure that appropriate action is taken against the offender.
  • To ensure that victims and witnesses are not victimized or discriminated because of their complaint.
  • To promote gender equality
  • To take measures towards sensitizing the college community on gender issues
  • To deal with cases of sexual harassment in a time bound manner and ensure appropriate action is taken against the offender

To review safety and security measures for female employees and girl students on the University campus.


Name of the Faculty Role
Smt P Sulochana Chairman
Mrs. P. Lakshmi Member Secretary
Mrs. M Hima Saila Member
Mrs. C Sireesha Member
Mrs. M. Bindhupriya Member
Mrs. M Munilaksmi Member
Mrs. G Bhuvana Member
Mrs. C Yellamma Member
Kum. R P. Deepthi Student Representative
Kum. Sura Kavya Student Representative

Our institution has a Career Guidance-Training and Placement Committee (CG-TAPC) that is dedicated to provide all possible assistance to students to achieve their career goals.

  • The Campus Training and Placement Committee undertake activities in this regard.
  • Experienced Industry professionals in the respective domain of job profiles are invited for guest lectures.
  • Through these activities, the students are made aware of the opportunities in various fields along with the required job profile. At the same time, they get a chance to interact with these industry professionals to take advantage of their experience in respective field of expertise.


  • To help students in achieving their career goals.
  • To provide information and opportunities regarding placements to students.
  • To motivate the students to pursue higher studies (national and international).
  • To prepare the students for interviews and different competitive exams.

Functions of Career Guidance- Training and Placement Committee

To propagate information on different job and career related advertisements obtained from newspapers, internet and contact sources.

To organize career guidance workshops, seminars, pre-placement talks, presentations on emerging professional trends, personality Development, Communication Skills, Interview Skills and Presentation Skills.

 To organize campus interviews for better recruitment process.

 To help students in identifying their strengths/weaknesses to plan their career.

To organize various guest lectures from eminent personalities and to create awareness about importance of higher studies.

CG-TAPC Placement Support

The CG-TAPC organizes seminars on interview skills, personality development, communication skills, leadership skills, resume writing, cover letter writing, etc. in order to increase the chances of employability of the students. Further the cell conducts on and off campus job interviews also.

Guidance for higher studies

The final year B.Pharm students are motivated to participate in PG orientation program during 8th semester where HODs of all departments brief them regarding the scope of PG studies and opportunities available after successful completion of PG studies. The HODs highlight their department strengths in research, publications, instruments, etc. The final year projects also help the students to get oriented towards research and identify their potential field of expertise. Apart from this, various management experts are invited to deliver guest lectures which may help the students to think about other PG courses like Management, Marketing, etc. Faculties who cleared the GPAT/GATE give useful tips to crack competitive exams by the students.

Industry interaction for Training

As a part of B. Pharm program, the students have to undergo compulsory industrial training for 150 hours during their final year. Apart from this, the students undertake industrial tour where they are exposed to manufacturing and analysis of different dosage forms in pharmaceutical industries. Later they are required to submit a report on the visit to the Principal.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu CG-TAPC Chairman
Dr. B. Kishore Placement Officer
Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy Coordinator
Mrs. G. Sirisha Chowdary Co-Coordinator
Mr. S. Dhanunjaya Member
Mrs. R. Swathi Member
Mr. A. Ashok Kumar Member
Mr. K. Dinesh Member

Apart from the academic activities, the students are also interested in attending co-curricular activities organized at Inter-Collegiate as well as Intra-collegiate level. Faculty is in-charge for organizing, co-coordinating and conduction of all these activities.

 Our college has keen interest in promoting co-curricular activities as they plays major role in improving the academics of students and their over all development.


  • To broaden students knowledge in all the perspectives related to pharma sector.
  • To stimulatestudents’ thinking, self-reflection, and self-understanding to promote their individual growth.
  • Provide a solid foundation for “Whole Person Education” which will nurture and foster the development of the seven core graduate attributes among students.


  • To make Students at our institute to nurture their talents; le
  • Facilitate and supervise all the equipment required for a seminar/guest talk in the auditorium.
  • To monitor and encourage students in the participation of important health events like National pharmacy week and health related awareness programs.
  • To identify gaps in the curriculum and organize a webinar/seminar/Hands on experience for any simulation models.
  • To train students for the upcoming challenges in the near future by organizing Training and placement sessions from industry experts.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Dr. B. Kishore In-Charge
Dr. P. Sai Sunil Member
L. Naga Mallika Member
Dr. B. Vaishnavi Member
Mrs. M Bindhu Priya Member
Mrs. P Thanuja Member
Mrs. G. Divya Member
R. Bharathi Student Representative
R. Kahanaa Sri Student Representative
S. Hema Chandra Student Representative

Apart from the academic activities, the students are also involved in various extra-curricular activities organized at Inter-Collegiate as well as Intra-collegiate level. Student council committee is in-charge for organizing, coordinating and conduction of all these activities.

 Our college gives lot of importance to extracurricular activities as they plays major role in developing overall personality of a student.


  • To encourage students in participating in all kinds of activities at inter, intra college level so  that it will ignite their spirit and continue to national level competitions also.
  • To reduce or equalize any kind of stress that persists in students due to academic work.
  • To motivate and make students aware by conducting all important days, health days etc


 To ensure:

  • Planned execution by the students with the help of faculty in
  • To make seminar hall available for cultural
  • To support Students by providing sports kits to the students and participate in various sports events throughout the academic
  • Encourage them to participate in essay, debate competitions, and talent which provide opportunities for students to explore new fields of interest.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Dr. P. Saisunil Incharge
Ms. H Neelofar Member
K. P. Priyanka Member
Mrs. R Swathi Member
Miss. Y. Gayathri Member
Mrs. P Sonisha Reddy Member
Miss. M Pavani Sai Member
Miss. P Thanuja Member
K. Keerthi Student Representative
O. Kavya Student Representative
C. Sri Charan Reddy Student Representative

The institution has an entrepreneurship development cell. The cell is managed by a Coordinator and Research supporting staff. The Cell is presently located in the college premises.

  • Entrepreneurship development cell aim to create entrepreneurial awareness and develop entrepreneurship skills in
  • Topics are covered in the pharmaceutical management course and are emphasized beyond the syllabus
  • Seminars/Programs are organized to familiarize student’s idea management, IPR related issues, various procedures required in setting business establishments firms, converting an idea into a successful
  • Information about various management programs, skill development programs for entrepreneurs, schemes, organizations are provided to
  • Guide to online entrepreneur guest lectures and resources are given to interested 
  • Entrepreneurship related magazines are


  • To create entrepreneurial culture and motivate to the students to start their own business and to extend necessary guidance
  • To impart students the knowledge of basic principles and procedures of entrepreneurship, idea management and provide expertise in Patents search, Intellectual Property rights management.


  • To provide information about educational, training programs and to organize guest lectures, workshops, skill development programs for promoting
  • To invite specialized people from industry, academia and alumni for motivating students towards
  • To provide information procedures for obtaining licenses, approvals, government and venture capital support systems, loans and facilities from banks and
  • To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on patent and literature search, market survey for identifying products and technologies which provide entrepreneurial opportunities in various


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Dr. M. Venkateswarlu Vice chairman
Dr. P. Saisunil In-charge
Mrs. P Lakshmi Member
Mrs. T Bhagyamma Member

The NSS Unit in Sri Padmavathi School of Pharmacy was sanctioned on March 16, 2015 under JNTU, Anantapur with the primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service. The motto of NSS is “Not Me But You“, which reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service in addition to education.


The objectives include:

  • understanding the community in which they work
  • understanding themselves in relation to their community
  • identifying the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
  • planning programs and carry out these plans.
  • relating its learnings and experiences towards finding solutions to the problems being identified.
  • conducting and participating in National Festivals.
  • participating in National Youth Festivals.


Name of the Faculty Role
Dr. D Ranganayakulu Chairman
Mr. P Prakash Programme Officer
Dr. P Sai Sunil Member
Ms. H Neelofar Member
Mrs. U Lakshmi Devi Member
Mr. A. Ashok Kumar Member
Miss. Mundlapati Jahnavi Student Representative
Miss. Manige Harideepika Student Representative
Mr. S. Hemachandra Student Representative